Power Glove

This is just another random discord bot but I try to only add things that other bots don't have.

Click here to add the bot to your own server.

Commands & features:

Command [argument] Explanation
help Displays a list of commands and features.
settings Change the settings for this server.
science Posts a science related picture.
type Makes the bot start typing.
info Gives some info about this bot.
anthem Posts the theme song of this bot.
mlg [user] Make someone (or yourself) mlg.
smiles [smiles] Give it a SMILES formula and it will draw the molecule for you (reaction smiles are also supported). Wikipedia: SMILES
Example: pow smiles CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C
disgusting [text] Insert your own text into the absolutely disgusting meme.
dong [text] Convert text into expand dong text.
talk Make the bot start or stop talking in the current channel.
afk [optional reason] Set yourself away from keyboard (globally).
quote Post an inspirational quote by a famous person.
mastermind Play a nice game of mastermind against the bot.
nsfw Post some hot garbage naked people.
color Generates a random color.

This bot will also respond to certain key phrases/words:

If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to make an issue on github or tell me in my server.

Here are all the other places you can find this bot:

Power Glove on bots.ondiscord.xyz Power Glove on discordbotlist.com Power Glove on discord.boats Power Glove on botsfordiscord.com Power Glove on divinediscordbots.com Power Glove on discordextremelist.xyz Power Glove on discordbots.org
Power Glove on github.com
Power Glove on discord.bots.gg
Power Glove on discordapps.dev
Power Glove on botlist.space
Power Glove on discordbot.world
Power Glove on pandorabots.com
Power Glove on thereisabotforthat.com